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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1714. Carta de Miguel de Bustos Requena, regidor perpetuo, para Juan Briz Carretero y Arenas, alcalde ordinario.

Autor(es) Miguel de Bustos Requena      
Destinatário(s) Juan Briz Carretero y Arenas      
In English

Letter from Miguel de Bustos Requena, a perpetual alderman, to Juan Briz Carretero y Arenas, an ordinary mayor.

The author informs Juan Briz Carretero y Arenas that he arrived in Toledo, and that he has talked with Juan Tomás de Garci López.

The defendant of this process was Juan Tomás de Garci López, priest of Villarrobledo (Albacete). He was imprisoned in the prison of the Holy Office of Toledo as a liar, for having falsely accused Bartolomé Estavillo, priest of Lezuza (Albacete), of participating in certain dishonest games during Carnival and of preaching a sermon in defence of those games. During his stay in prison, in 1714, Juan Tomás de Garci López was also accused by the Inquisition to have sent letters to some of his relatives to ask them to testify in his favour in the case. Miguel de Bustos Requena, perpetual alderman of Lezuza (Albacete), went visit him to the jail to bring him some bedding and managed to speak with him clandestinely, through a window. Miguel de Bustos Requena decided, then, to write to Juan Briz Carretero y Arenas, ordinary mayor of Lezuza (Albacete), to tell what happened during his visit. But the letter ended up in the hands of Bartolomé Estavillo because someone, whose identity could not be determined, inserted it under the door of his house. Bartolomé Estavillo handed the letter over to the Holy Office and it was joined to the proceedings as a proof. Eventually, Juan Tomás de Garci López was reprimanded and sentenced to ten years of banishment, at a minimum distance of ten leagues from Lezuza (Albacete).

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Mui Sr mio y mi amigo deseo vmd

goçe cabal salud en compañia de todos
los d esa su casa.


Amigo yo llegue a esta

ziudad, el Domingo a las onçe, lle
gue solo Dios lo sabe, con los pies
ynchados y llenos de bexigas que
como no abia, andado tanto a pie en
mi bida se a maltratado mucho
la persona, pero confio en Dios me
a de dar fuerças para bolber, e bis
to aquella monja y esta buena
pero Relijion mui estrecha en
bia muchas memorias a todos los
de las dos casas y a su ermana
Lorençia. Dira vmd a mi casa
no tengan cuidado qu estare
alla para el corPus y que le Re
ço a la birgen del sagrario

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