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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1815. Carta de Domingo Cortés, salteador, para su mujer Isabel García.

Autor(es) Domingo Cortés      
Destinatário(s) Isabel García      
In English

Letter from Domingo Cortes, highwayman, to his wife Isabel García.

The author gives his wife some instruction about the person who bears the letter.

Manuel Pérez, Galician, who called himself Antonio Barral, together with two other men, were accused of being a highwayman in the region near Setúbal and in Alentejo. They were seized a dagger, two picklocks, a false passport, and three letters. Two of the letters were written by Domingos Cortés, member of the gang of Pedro Indiano, a prisoner in the jail of O Limoeiro.

This case, like many others, proves that the memories of the travellers crossing the country, who told of highwaymen and robberies, were actually correct. Robberies and bandit groups, some of them very dangerous, were quite frequent along the roads of Portugal. It is interesting to note that most of the crew had Castilian origins.

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Lisboa y maio 15 de 1815

querida esposa deseo tu buena sa

lu con la de nuestras queridas ma
dres y todos mis ermanos politicos
y que gocen todos felices prosperida
des La mia es Buena para lo que
me quieran mandar


YsaBel, a eL dador de

esta lo agasajaras lo mejor que pue
das y le daras entrada en casa que es
mui amigo mio que estubo conmigo en
setubal quando tu estubistes alla
y me bino a ber a esta el que me iso
un fabor que no se me olbida nunca
lo ospearas o lo dejaras estar en casa
el tienpo que estubiere en esa que es
persona de sastifacion


Da mis afetos a todos los

Besinos y a todos los que te pre
gunten por mi
A todos los ermanos y mios

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