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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1780-1789]. Carta de Mariana Enríquez, criada, para su hija María Josefa de la Encarnación, criada.

Autor(es) Mariana Enríquez      
Destinatário(s) María Josefa de la Encarnación      
In English

Letter from Mariana Enriquéz, maid, to her daughter María Josefa de la Encarnación, servant.

The author writes to her daughter María Josefa de la Encarnación that she is without hope to see her again because of her very poor health. She asks her to pray so that they can see each other again.

The accused in this process was Manuel Muñiz de Carvajal. In 1786 he was accused of bigamy. Manuel Muñiz worked as a physician in Monsanto (Guarda). He had married Mariana Enriquéz in Benavente, and they had two daughters. Afterwards, he got marries for the second time in Monsanto, in 1785, with Maria de Campos Moreira. He was denounced to the Inquisition Tribunal by André António Ferrão (the priest who officiated the second marriage) and by Gerónimo Bernardo Osorio de Castro (a nobleman of the royal court, in whose house worked María Josefa de la Encarnación, daughter of Manuel Muñiz and Manuela Enríquez). Manuel Muñiz had abandoned his first wife in Cádiz and he had fled to Monsanto, probably running away from an accuse of forgery (as explained in the letter PSCR5552). After four years without receiving news from his wife, he thought that she was dead and got married again. In the 15th of April 1786, Manuel Muñiz and his second wife Maria de Campos Moreira moved to Moraleja (Cáceres) to run away from possible retaliation, because he had discovered that his first wife was still alive. In the 18th of October of 1786 Manual Muñiz died in Moraleja.

These letters were handed over by Gerónimo Bernardo Osorio de Castro, to demonstrate that Mariana Enriquéz was still alive. In these letter the priest of the hospital of Cádiz writes to Gerónimo Bernardo Osorio de Castro, interceding for Mariana Enriquéz, to ask news about her daughter (servant of Gerónimo Bernardo) and to ask him to help Mariana Enriquéz in her delicate situation: she was imprisoned in Cádiz for crimes that we cannot know. Mariana Enriquéz herself wrote some of the letters.

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Hija de mi corazon si a medida de la ansia que me cuesta ttu ausenzia te saves aprovechar de el amparo y favor de esos sres tte considero la criatura mas dichosa, en este mundo y asi mira Hija mia de mis ojos tu te lo as de granjear todo con tus vuenas prendas. yo aprezio la notizia para mi de tanto gusto de que vas a confesar para comulgar si fueses capaz que no dudo ni de eso ni de laos demas adelantamientos

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