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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1710. Carta de Bartolomé de Toledo Ramírez de Arellano, marqués de Gelo, para fray Alonso de Puga y Parcero.

Author(s) Bartolomé de Toledo Ramírez de Arellano      
Addressee(s) Alonso de Puga y Parrero      
In English

Letter from Bartolomé de Toledo Ramírez de Arellano, marquis of Gelo, to Fray Alonso de Puga y Parcero.

The author asks Fray Alonso to inform him about the state of the inheritance and lets him know about the difficulties he has faced and is still facing regarding the aforementioned inheritance.

Around 1709, the Royal Justice Palace of Seville intervened in the case of the marquise of Gelo´s sharing of goods. Following this case other problems regarding the estate and inheriting of Gelo lied ahead. The Gelo estate comprised lands, olive trees plantations, windmills and other properties. First of all, the marquis of Gelo had to face the seizure of these properties due to the debts owed to the Crown after being granted with the title in 1701. Likewise, the marquesses´ son-in-law, Hermenegildo Hurtado de Mendoza, married to Catalina Ramírez de Arellano, was affected by the seizure and sued his father-in-law for some leases carried out in the estate. Hermenegildo Hurtado de Mendoza considered that thanks to his intervening the aforementioned leases were not so ruinous. As the trial took place, the family´s correspondence regarding the hacienda´s details was provided to the proceeding documentation. The trial is incomplete.

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Page 245r > 245v

Mi Pe fr Alonso de Puga y Parrero; el a passado me Remitio mi Amigo dn Diego Juo de Cordova el atento papel de Vmd Magnifestando su grande afecto, y deseo de Magnifestarlo, en todo lo q condujesse al Cuidado y mejor Cobro, d esa hazienda, y en esta Verdadera Intelixa, aver elejido por Guarda al que otras vezes lo avia sido, y que el y todos los d este ejerçizio son buenos, o malos, nos quieren pero con sus pocas obligazes discurren poco en esto. Y desde qe tuve este papl Y bi de lo aplicado q Vmd se allava a favorezerme en qto estuviere de su parte y fuese dezente para poderlo Vmd ejecutar, y temiendo el no embarazar a Vmd; aunq e tenido Algunas cosas lijeras q suplicarle lo e suspendido y aviendo buelto a tener Noticia de Vmd, por dn Eusebio Espinosa, cumpliendo, con sus obligazs y estado, adbirtiendole lo que se Devia azer con Juan Sanchez Repito a Vmd, muchas Grazias, por esta, y las demas finezas q ejecuta, en lo que me toca, pues asi lograre tener Alguien de mi Parte, pues aunq el Arrendador sea mui Amigo se a de mirar primero asi, y aunq dn Ignaçio era como Vmd dize, y mi primo fr Alonso Ponze decia lo mismo se

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