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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1705. Carta de Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias para Alonso Prieto, labrador y cosechero.

Autor(es) Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias      
Destinatário(s) Alonso Prieto      
In English

Letter from Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias to Alonso Prieto, a farmer and a harvester.

The author informs Alonso Prieto that he is sending a Francisco on his behalf to pay a transaction and to pick up certain merchandise.

Following an accusation of smuggling grain and other goods from Castile to Portugal, a case occurred in 1709 against Alonso Prieto, a resident of Aldeadávila de la Ribera (Salamanca). In order to defend himself from the accusation Alonso Prieto stated the following: a certain José de Valdenebro came to him in 1704 with an order to go down to the Douro River to deal with a Portuguese; that this Portuguese was a spy and the reason for these meetings was to obtain information about the enemy; that the exchange of goods was just an excuse to justify those meetings and the only exchanged four loads of sugar, a hundred pounds of wax and stockings. Seven letters seized to Alonso Prieto were found in the process documentation (PS6236 to PS6242).These letters were used to contradict the defendant´s version, since their content showed that he was indeed trading with all kind of goods: hats, wool fabric, soap, grain…

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Page 21r > 21v

Sr Alonsso Prieto de que Vm logre salud me alegrare y yo quedo a el servicio de Vmd estimole mucho el cuydado que tubo en participarle a el sr mariscal las notiçias que adquirio pr esos parajes aunque aora si se ofreciere alguna no creo encontraran alli a el sr mariscal Por allarme con ocupazion no puedo pasar a esa villa el dia que quede con Vmd Por cuya razon despacho a franco con esta Por ser persona de toda mi confiança a quien Vmd Puede entregar las notiçias que ubiere y asimismo los jeneros que trujere de senpiternas y los tres sombreros no lleva mas de Diezyseis Doblones en el ynterin que yo Paso que sera de aqui a ocho u diez dias

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