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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1818]. Carta de Antónia Rosa, presa, para José Luís da Silva, negociante.

Autor(es) Antónia Rosa      
Destinatário(s) José Luís da Silva      
In English

Private letter from Antónia Rosa, prisoner, to José Luís da Silva, tradesman

The author tries to convince the recipient to meet her, in order to talk about an impending danger.

António Silvestre Alvarez, his sister Antónia Rosa and José Luís da Silva, a tradesman, were accused of manufacturing counterfeit currency. The letters written by Antónia Rosa were addressed to José Luís da Silva and were found with one of the defendants.


Perhaps you’ll find quite reparable the fact that I take this fragile quill to write my weak impressions, directing them to your tender heart, so it can be of some help in the misery that is to come to your poor daughter, who prefers losing her life rather than the company of such an affectionate father. Perhaps you don’t know my handwriting, so I’ll reveal you my identity. I’m the daughter of João António and Gertrudes dos Prazeres, their oldest daughter, whose name is Antónia Rosa and who promises, under oath, to tell you a secret that might save your life. However, you must do me this favour: come here around ten o’clock in the morning or four o’clock in the afternoon. I hope you’re so merciful not to miss the meeting. The reason is that I’ll be alone and we can talk at ease, according to my will and yours. Don’t fail me; I hope to meet you and I wish you well,

Antónia Rosa»

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Talvez q se lhe faça assãs reparavel o eu Pegar nesta debli pena para lavrar com ella as minhas fracas Espreçoes enclinandoas para a parte do seu terno Coração para Valer a huma enfliscidade q vai acontecer a huma disgracada filha q antes quer perder a vida do q a companhia de hum Pai Estremozo talvez q a sua Pesoa não Conhesa a minha pena letra pois eu lhe vou a declarar quem sou, sou filha de João Antonio e de Getrudes dos prazeres a filha mai velha Cujo nome he Antonia Roza; a qual promete debaxo hum joramento, declararlhe hum segredo q talvez lhe sirva de resgatar a sua vida mas a de fazer-me o favor de vir oje pellas dez

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